Tuesday, November 5, 2013

In the thick of things

My Mobile  Thesis Station

My last Sewanee summer ended in July, a blurred frenzy of Shakespeare (with the great Ann Cook), and Classical literature in translation (a.k.a. ancient Greek literature). I became a Shakespearean actress for 6 weeks, watched more plays than any person should have to endure in a lifetime, travelled with my classmates into the depths of Solomon's Temple cave on the Domain (convinced I wouldn't survive the ascent back up the mountain), and visited Athena at her temple in Nashville. Like I said, a blurred frenzy.

Now that summer has passed, I'm deep in the bowels of the thesis beast, trying to find my way back out. While I prepared a year in advance for my research, I find that it hasn't set me ahead by much. My first chapter is due in the middle of December, and I'm praying I can make the deadline.

Meanwhile, I'm also participating in NaNoWriMo 2013, which I probably shouldn't be doing, but it's only for the month and I need something to keep me sane, right? Last year's NaNoWriMo was awesome, and I'm finally getting around to editing the novel I wrote for it. It seems if I'm not super busy, I'm bored to death, which forces me to have many irons in the fire. In fact, if I had a Native American name, the English translation would probably be "Many Irons in the Fire".

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