NaNoWriMo 2014 begins in 25 days. I’ve decided to work on a new YA novel, while also working on short creative non-fiction pieces during that time. That way, if my word count falls short with the novel, I can use the creative non-fiction pieces to make up the difference. Hopefully I can use the non-fiction work I do as a jumping off point for next summer’s SOL session.
NaNoWriMo has a few new sponsors this year, including Blurb (which I use a lot for book printing), and Inked Voices, a platform for small-setting, online critique groups. I like the idea of Inked Voices, especially if you’re like me and live in a smaller city with few writers, and even fewer who want to share their writing. They offer a free 14-day trial, so I may give it a go after NaNoWriMo finishes up (as they’ll offer a discount code for the monthly fee).